BlueCielo Publisher 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions
Configuring Windows file system destination options
The Windows file system link options on the Destination page specify the destination parent folder and its child folders structure.
To configure the Windows file system link options:
- In BlueCielo Application Manager, expand the name of the publishing job in the configuration tree that you want to configure.
- Select the Configuration branch in the configuration tree. The job's configuration pages appear in the right pane.
- Click the Destination tab. The Destination configuration page appears.
- From the Type list, select Windows File System. The Windows file system options appear.
- Next to destination folder, click Browse and select the destination parent folder to which documents will be published. Additional publishing options appear. Click the expand icon
next to an option group name to show the options in that group.
- Next to Properties folder, click Browse and select the destination folder to which document properties will be published in an XML file.
- To add document properties to the XML file:
- Click Add. A new row is added to the properties list.
- In the Name column, edit the property name to match that of the source system link.
- In the Type column, select a different data type from the list, if necessary.
- Repeat steps a to c for each property that you want to add.
To remove a document property from the XML file:
- Select the row of the property that you want to remove and click Remove.
- Click Save to save your changes.